University Overview
What are the SDGs and why are we measuring our engagement with them?
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) represent a systems approach for understanding the challenges we face as society, at the local, national or global level. By creating this platform, it is the hope that it will spark discussion or ideas regarding the engagement with SDGs not only in the curriculum, but also in areas outside of university studies.
The SDGs represent a systems approach for understanding the challenges we face as society, at the local, national or global level. By creating this platform, it is the hope that it will spark discussion or ideas regarding the engagement with SDGs not only in the curriculum, but also in areas outside of university studies.
The image below demonstrates how the Schools in the University are engaging with each of the Sustainable Development Goals. The size of each circle represents the degree of engagement with each SDG – the larger the circle, the higher the degree of engagement across the University.
To find out more about how the individual Schools are engaging with the SDGs within their modules, click here.
Students and the SDGs in St Andrews
Students having access to a simplified visual of their interactions with the SDGs not only provides information about how their education links into the world of sustainable development, but also provides a steppingstone for discussion within the university. By showing our students how their courses are engaging with the SDGs, we hope to demonstrate just how interconnected their studies are with addressing other issues in today’s world.
Teaching Staff and the SDGs in St Andrews
Teaching staff will also benefit from the development of these visuals as they will be able to see more clearly how their modules engage with the SDGs and may provide opportunity for reflections on teaching content and it may also encourage discussion amongst colleagues within Schools.
These webpages were created by Anya Polatajko supported by Gosia Mitka and Rehema White as part of the Sustainability Committee through an internship with the Proctors Office at the University of St Andrews.